Dartmoor Winter Pairs Race 2
March 15 @ 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Dartmoor Winter Pairs Race 2
Overview – FRA rated as BL, one of our longer courses at 21k with over 715m of climb ( before deviations!). Route is approximate as there will also be specific markers and a halfway marshal. So a gentle start to close to Bellever tor, turning north via Powder mills to longford tor, across the valley to Beardown Tors, then north to Rough tor, a nice NE traverse to East dart waterfalls , then off to Sittaford Tor, white ridge, Stannon and Hartland tors before a welcome rest at the pub.
Parking in main car park or at start of Belliver woods. be in time for you start time.
Prepaid for those entered in race 1