Ivybridge Three Tops 2024 – Race Report

In a change from the traditional scorching hot day, Erme Valley Harriers had a selected a day a bit more conducive to running this year. The race immediately gets off to fulfilling it’s description, with a steep climb up to Western Beacon. Last year I overcooked it at this point, and paid for it on the biggest climb later in the course, this year I stayed behind Joe Lane – who set a sensible pace up the first climb.

After a brief hello to the marshals on Western Beacon, a speedy decent over grass, rocks and gorse leads to the second checkpoint in the valley. By this point Joe was well ahead of me, and there he remained for the rest of the race, soon disappearing from view.

From here the route climbs before dropping back to the Puffing Billy track for a short while. Normally the Puffing Billy completely fails to inspire any sort of motivation in me, however in this case I had a Cornwall Athletics runner on my heals and I was determined they were not getting past, they did a bit, then they didn’t, then they did and so until the route takes a sharp turn off the Puffing Billy and descends down the Eastern facing slope. At this point I could put in a bit of a gap between myself and the Cornwall Athletics chaser, however I pretty sure that was down to my shoe choice, rather than any fitness or skill.

A short run alongside/through the river leads to the biggest single ascent on the course – a long grassy ascent winding it’s way towards the top of Ugborough Beacon. I made up a couple of places, however these gains were short lived. Huge thanks to the marshals on the top, especially the one which had jelly babies! From there the route dips, with a stream crossing before climbing back up to Western Beacon, followed by. A fast descent to the road and a flat run into the finish at HQ, where in a further positive development since last year, chips were being served in the rugby club.

As per normal for this race, it was brilliantly marked and marshalled, and hats off to race director Chris Prall and Erme Valley Harriers for delivering a excellent race.