Great Links Tor – flyer – Dartmoor Fell Series
August 20 @ 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
SwFellrunners says..
Another great race last year we are grateful to organiser by Rees Jenkins ( Dartmoor Runners). An evening race based around the Fox and Hounds at Bridestowe – we normally are permitted to top half of the camping field for parking and finish.
Junior races kick off normally at 5:45 starting from moor gate. Adults normally start by 6;45.
The route
This route has a one of the most challenging ascents. The routs start up Gt Nodden , turning around both summit cairns, you immediately drop to the valley via a ford near a blowing house. form here a straight line to Little Links tor across very undulating ground there is a trod if you can find it. This is a very sustained incline and gets steeper one you head to Great links. Well that most of the ascent done. you now have a lovely fast track down to Arms tor and then some contouring across to Widgery ( brat tor) before a very steep ( flying descent) back to stepping stones by the river- do not cross. follow the stream back up about 400yrs to cross ford and track where you started and about 400m of track down to finish in camping field.
Prizes in seated area next to the pub- normally a really great post race atmosphere.
See Race website for entry details and pricing as soon at it is live link will appear.