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Inaugural ‘Pootle’ race report- Fab


It was the first time we have used this course- a big thank you to Race Director Colin Kirk Potter and a stunning team of marshals #rememberitsafellrace . The course was set on yet another stunning Dartmoor evening so not much navigation tested just amazing scenery. Great addition to the series with a very swift presentation as a cloud of midges descended on everyone.

The course

Pootle course

A narrow path with 7 , ‘one person’ wide bridges in the first 400 yrs made for an interesting start – that said no reported ‘offs’ or elbow incidents. The course rises quite quickly though Braddon Lake to Braddon tor at 500m height ASL. A ridge of 3 tors followed before the Powder Mills farm.

A short little dip through the site brought you back to the last mile of open moor before the final mile of mostly level forest track took you back for a swift finish.

The Race

An early pack was naturally spread out with 7 runners clearly in contention. The course although reasonably steep was always runnable and some fine sheep trods made for quick descents. The descent from Longaford tor through to powder mills farm – yes the home of the ‘Hairy hands legend!’- was remarked on by may runners as being ‘fab’ with the gradient behind you and just enough granite boulders meant you needed to keep your wits about you for a fast descent. Clear gaps in the front pack with the eventual winner a minute clear from his chaser before the fast mile of forest track.

  • 1st (again) Ceri Rees Wild running 43:55 – strong running again
  • 2nd Oliver Oldfield Tamar Trotters 45:00
  • 3rd Oliver Mitchell 45:17
  • First lady Elizabeth Dyson Haldon Runners 50:54 – Awesome
  • 2nd Lady ( &V50) Sharon Daw Run Venture
  • 3rd Lacy (&V60) Jenny Nash Run Venture
  • 1st team Mens’ Okehampton Running Club
  • 1st Team Ladies Run Venture
  • Total of 98 finishers well done all

Great running again from Ceri Rees taking another victory, and great to see a new face from Tamar Trotters take second.

A personal view from Perran Trail runner Toby Lowe

Toby in action at Soltise Fell race

A superb new course, part of the Dartmoor Fell Race Series, featuring a lovely 1 and a half mile climb up onto the moor, before a superb section linking three tors together before dropping down into Bellever forest and the finish. My legs were still feeling it a bit from The Plague 100k a week and a half ago, but happy with the way that I ran and 21st overall | 2nd in Age Cat. Best bit was the power up High 5 from Zach near the start. The Dartmoor Fell Race Series is delivering some superb races. It would be great to see more of the Cornish running community attending them – I can confirm that you’ll get a warm welcome from our brethren across the border. It’s good, hard, honest racing 🙂

Thanks for the support Toby and the ‘Kernow’ crew.

Did not expect that moment…

Check out this link to a great short video clip of one runner caught between 2 herds of cows – that had temporarily joined in the race – very calm under pressure- well done Joe Lane ORC and Rebecca McWass for catching the moment.

Haytor ‘Heller’ personal view by Adam ‘Tango’ Holland

A nice personal account of the Race from one of its biggest fans! Adam Holland (TAC).

Adam’s Race account

Every time I do this event I look forward to it as it’s one of my favourites! When I started driving to the event I got called back home to help sort out my daughter, nothing serious and once that was sorted I set off again. I arrived with about 8 minutes to spare before the start. HQ and the event start are in 2 different locations, I ran to HQ to pick up my number. Another runner was having a problem picking up their number even though it was sorted, they wanted the name of the person they had swapped with. Which the race director knew about, I said I would go and ask, I ran up the hill to the start, mentioned it to him for him to sort it out with 1-2 minutes to spare. We start halfway up, which means we have another half of the hill to run up to get the Haytor. I carried a soft bottle of water with me to keep me hydrated. 3-2-1 and we were off!!

the race

I watched as one by one people passed me going up the hill, when we reached the top, I was in 12th place. We went around the top and started heading down. This is where my strength comes in and I started overtaking to get into 2nd place behind Robert. I tried to keep up with him with a small gap between us. A mile and a half in, we went down the steepest part and I started closing the gap a bit more. Took a left along a gravelly path and then some more downhill which was where I was able to get behind him. I saw him catch his ankle and asked if he was okay. All good, as we were still going downhill I thought I would take this opportunity to overtake as I knew there was going to be a steep hill and I wouldn’t be able to keep up. I managed to twist my ankle which certainly hurt but I was still able to run. I forgot about the little hill before that which is where he overtook me again. Just before the 3 mile mark, we started going up and I tried to run without walking with success. I watched as Robert disappeared off ahead and when we came out the top he was well ahead. Loads of lovely technical bits, like running through the narrow fern bushes, across moorland, rocky twists and turns which makes this an amazing course.

Adam Holland making the most to the downhill in the course

At about 4.6 miles we started heading uphill. 0.2 mile after that on some of the ‘rock climbing’ bits I started walking which I know I shouldn’t have but my stomach was feeling a little bit cramped from leaning over and of course I was warm. I started running afterwards again. At 0.2 miles further on I did a bit more walking. I started running but at a slower pace. That’s when Ceri then Louis passed me. I should have tried to stick with them but I think in my head I was worried I was going to walk again. We were still on a steady uphill back to Haytor. As I went over the top of the hill I could see Ceri was well ahead and Louis had a big GAP, but I was still going to try to see if I could catch him.

The final 0.4 mile downhill I really ramped up the speed!! I even beat my previous segment time (Haytor Heller Downhill Finish 0.79km) 2017 2:07 – this time 2:00 which is 2:31/km. I was very close to catching him but ran out of course as he cross the line before me.

1st Robert Ellis 40:47

2nd Ceri Rees 42:58

3rd Louis Ratcliffe 43:16

4th Adam Tango Holland 43:20

5th Lee Turner 44:53

Adams tips

Definitely a race I recommend but you need to get your entries in quick as they have a strict race limit of 350!! Normally sells out before race day. But it was a shame to see that only 247 finishers and 8 not finished. That’s 95 people missing…..

I won 2nd V35 category and Tavistock athletics team – Myself, Samuel, Joe and and Richard finished 5th overall

Ultra Great Britain Soft Bottle x2 were really useful.

My finishing on this race

2022 43:20 4th

2021 44:42 2nd ( felt even hotter)

2018 41:54 2nd

2017 42:20 1st

2007 45:07 2nd

2005 44:53 7th

2004 43:42 7th

Thanks to Adam Holland for his personal view.

Just to note also some awesome running from Kirsteen Welch ( but not counted due to number issue) would have been a new course record. First Lady to count local Jo Meek in 49;36 , with Alice Kelly form Exmouth close on her heels in 49:47 followed by Exeter Tri Club Lucy Commander in 52:19.

Plus lots of other personal battles and achievements from 250 runners well done to Teignbridge Trotters.

See you at the next race – the Postbridge pootle..


‘Cooking’ Cosdon Race report

On the catch up, but determined to get back on track, before this Wednesday’s race at Postbridge. Belstone village fair , Cosdon and 27 degrees were a nice mixture. A restricted field meant a few unable to enter but what a cracker of a race.

Sam Deller leading the pack
Tim Lenton approaching the last ‘up’
A very competitive post race egg catching comp

After the short junior races, the seniors set off at 2:30pm – just cooking nicely by then. As usual a scramble for the first down the steep descent to the river, this was led by TAC runner Sam Deller who held onto the lead all the way to the top. Quite an achievement in itself as finding a non- ‘huge lumps of grass’- ‘i cannot see where my feet are going’ line up to the cairns is a real challenge. ORC Andy Vallance did his special wide berth route and still made good time to the top!

The lead changed several times during the descent, which normally involves everyone having a least one tumble. Tim Lenton (Axe Valley) doing his usual find a cracking line making quite a few places to get back into the front pack.

Eventual Winner Ceri Rees from Wild Running in 30min 37sec, closely followed by Sam Priday- ORC in 30:42 and then Tim Lenton in 30:46, Sam Deller not quite able to keep the pace ending up 4th. First ladies Lucy Walker of SWRR in 38mins 21 sec and Charlotte Walker TAC in 39mins 31 sec.

Well done, ORC, on a great race, real nice atmosphere with many runners and families staying on the green with the ponies, sheep , egg throwing, music , cake and refreshments -what’s not to like!

See you all at the next one.

Richard SWFellrunners

Sunny Solstice Race report – Richard Best

Ceri Rees on route to another win but with fierce competition from Joseph Battershill from Erme Valley Harriers

Sorry this is late for a report – its been a bit busy while a deluge of races. The course attracted a great field of 106 runners in seniors . Thanks to Andy Houghton and in particular Colin Kirk Potter as Race Director for the day.

A great setting for the race nestled in the Walkham valley at Merrivale with the Fells’ field ( thank you) for parking and the Dartmoor Inn on standby with refreshments.

The race was pacey from the start with a core group of 10-12 runners setting a good tempo up the steep incline. A few adventurous runners tried a direct diagonal line straight across to Higher staple only to encounter really tough loose rocks. ( I tried the same on the first year only to find myself re-joining the race well down the pack).

Great conditions meant fast running – but was very hot for a 7pm race.

Sam Deller TAC another great run
Charlotte Walker first U17 and first Lady
Sam Priday first in for ORC

The leading three runners all finished within 27secs Ceri Rees in 37min 48sec; Joseph Battershill (EVH) 9 secs later and Sam Deller(TAC) 15 secs behind; followed by another 5 runners all within 2 mins including another great run from Tim Lenton (Axe Valley). A superb performance from Charlotte Walker (TAC) first lady and first U17 in 46mins 10 secs and 27th overall.

Men’s team went to ORC again, although closely followed by TAC ( with 3 in top 10) – let down by me on my first return to racing from illness and injury – but great to be out!.

Great running all – superb event celebrated by a few dips in the river and a drink for those that could brave the sudden midge appearance!

See you on the hills


Stormy but fast Burrator Horseshoe

The juniors

A fab turnout of 28 juniors competed across the 2k and 3.5k courses all finishing with a spirited run through the ford – congratulations to all especially the U9/U11 who have the steepest course for the day. A great quote from boy to his dad ‘ this is the race where we run through the river’! With a huge look of excitement. It was great to see so much senior support watching them in.

In heavy rain ,, there off
Rob Waddy setting the early pace
Being stalked

Senior race

Just a big thank you to all participants and spectators at this years Burrator Horseshoe as part of Meavy Oak Fair. Race 3 of Dartmoor Fell Series.

We struggled a bit for marshals with some brave souls manning 3 points. The seniors brief was hit by the start of the thundery rain, but it appears not to have deterred fast times.

A super fast start with Rob Waddy setting the pace. The lead in a group of 5 changed hands a few times with course picking helping edge distance. The revised route with a mandatory checkpoint to avoid an environmentally sensitive area worked well. From reports a few people had some ‘Nav’ opportunities and great work by sweeper to save a few going miles out.

So top spot Ceri Rees in new course record of 39:29, only just edging Rob Waddy and then a stunning run from u19 Sam Priday (ORC). First female home – another win for Charlotte Walker in a fab time of 44;38 only 47 seconds off the course record.

1st team to Okehampton Running Club mens ; 1st Female team to Run Venture.

Well done all 105 finishers

Super thanks to all the help and Meavy Oak Fair and Tim Mockford

See you on the hills..

Jubilee Langstone Fell race report May 28th


The route did not disappoint its inaugural outing as part of the Dartmoor Series, it was also blessed with stunning weather, just as well it kept to a late afternoon format as it was still hot for juniors at 4pm.

11 juniors competed on the 2k and 4k courses with great enthusiasm.

The senior event had 60 finishers with Ben Neale (TAC) in 44min 48sec showing Ceri Rees ( Wild Running) and Tom Perry (Exeter Harriers) a clean pair of heels to win first place ( but course record still intact from Devon trial at 43min 29 sec. There were a great selection of runners on the course with 7 clubs represented just in the first 8 runners. First team again no surprises ORC! First Female Charlotte Walker (TAC) in 51:20.

well done to Dave Chanter and Peter Tavy team for hosting the race- great course and great atmosphere.

a few photos for the curious

Ben Neale on way to win
Ceri and Tom vying for 2nd
Charlotte Walker on the way to 1st Female

There will be more photos on the linked Facebook post please tag anyone you know. thank you – sorry for the delayed report.

Fell Race Report – Marilyn’s Meldon Madness

Being Plymouth based, it’s rare that I have the time to venture up to the Northern reaches of Dartmoor, but I’m glad I did for this fell race!

The juniors race was fast and furious, with a battle between the various ORC runners for the boys categories. The results are available at the link below on our Webscorer timing site.

Click here for results

I wasn’t timing the adults race, leaving me free to race (slowly). The route curves up to Longstone Hill via a climb up a track. Catching those setting off too quickly and not warmed up unawares (myself included). After that the route up to Yes Tor was open to interpretation.

The route according to the author’s Strava, full Strava link here

Spotting a runner who looked fast taking a line to the left of the main field on the ascent, I headed up that way, with at least one other following me. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as several runners went past on the higher, but more circular line. Passing the Mountain Rescue volunteers marshaling at Yes Tor (thanks!) the next point was High Willhays, a relatively easy trundle along the top of the ridge. Turning West at the marhsals (thanks!) begins the long descent to Black Tor. This is a Dartmoor special of tussocks and bog, which takes practice and agility to move swiftly over (I had neither, and Hugh shot past me in a masterly display of how it should be done). Turning North at the marshals on Black Tor, a well defined track on tired legs takes the route to it’s conclusion back at the start. Full results at the link below.

Click here for results

Many thanks to Hannah at Okehampton Running Club for a brilliant organised race, and a good route.

Remember, fell races which are part of the series and those that are not can be found in our events diary. If you are organising a fell run in the South West, we would be delighted to add it to the diary, please get in touch.

Devon Runners success in Snowdon Skyrace

Great update from Oliver Mitchell on the awesome Snowdon Skyrace race – great to see Devon Runners making a success.

The day after a group of Devon fell runners were competing in North Wales, myself and Luke Roberts (both Devon based runners) were also racing in the area in the Snowdon Skyrace. 

Tryfan north ridge

the route

The route is around 40km and has 4 big climbs and descents with around 3300m of ascent in total. Whilst not a fell race (as the course is marked and more commercial in nature), the terrain is more akin to a fell race than many trail races due to the classic fell lines over ridges and mountain tops. As fell running has a long tradition ‘sky races’ do not always draw the most competitive fields, nevertheless some of the best fell runners have dabbled in the more notable events.

the race

The race started with a fairly relaxed pace up Snowdon and then down over Y Lliwedd to Pen-y-Pass. On the second section up and over Glider Fawr (part of the Welsh 1000m Peaks Fell Race in reverse). I kept a steady pace and caught up with the lead group of 3 runners. This is where I met Luke and we soon realised that we both raced each other on the same course back in 2019.
The lead runner made a break for it leaving 3 runners to climb over Tryfan together in the obscenely hot conditions. On the final ascent of Crib Goch, the second runner made a push for it leaving Luke and I in 3rd and 4th. Staying together up the long climb helped our morale (and pace) and at the top we wished each other good luck before the punishing decent to the finish.

Oliver on North ridge of Tryfan
Crib Goch

I made it down in 3rd place in around 6 hours 8mins just before Luke who arrived a minute after in 4th place overall and more impressively 1st in the U25 category, so it was two podiums for the Devon runners.

4th overall _ Luke
Oliver -chilled look at senior prizes

The event was meticulously organised and whilst more expensive than traditional fell races it offered free camping for the weekend and a 50% discount to juniors to support the growth of younger runners.
Hope you enjoyed reading about a brief departure from the fell scene – Oli Mitchell

Thank you Oliver – awesome race and well done Luke. Go Devon! Anyone else wants to share mountain running races let me know….’see you on the hills’ Richard.

Devon team at Llanberis

Smiley before shot

Despite it being a 340mile trip each way a resilient Devon men’s fell team turned out for the Intercounties race at Llanberis, The route was going to be testing only 11.4k but with 700m of ascent in the first 3,5k and the top runners from most counties. But as shown at the Devon trial race we had come to compete!

The Race

The start had over 300 runners with Intercounties and Open race combined. Ceri Rees (Wild Running) and Sam Dellar (TAC) our front 2 runners were not far behind the leaders for the unrelenting first big climb. Key fact – eventual course winner took 4 mins out of the rest of the field on the the first big climb ( heart , lungs and lactic!), Awesome stuff after a 6.5 hour car journey.

steep lane start

Adam Holland TAC) and last years Dartmoor Fell Series overall winner was next up the hill , playing a canny game to not overstretch on the hill and build pace through the course. Minimal kit was required wind cover and map and compass and whistle. Sorry to Jamie Frost our U20 from EVH in the race missed your photo in the melee.

Next Simon Allen also TAC and Dartmoor runners knowing what to expect having recce’d the course 2 days previous.

Conditions were fab, because of the lack of rain no real boggy bits just bouncy grass and moss and a good breeze on the ridge but hot about 17 degrees. Here are a few of the teams best bits and toughest bits.

How it felt

SimonFriendly atmosphere combined with hugely talented runners. Toughest- the long long bridle way to come off the hills . Cerithe route is a belter – mini horseshoe with a leg deadening climb to a 750m crest and a long not too technical descent – great views out to sea!

AdamHonour to represent County at such an amazing location. the views were amazing. Hardest bit- the first hill should have started further up and then trying to keep running even up the very steep hills. Jamiebest views out to the coast from the first peak awesome. Hardest – futile attempt to keep up with Adam on the downhills!

And lastly from Sambest bit- battling up the first ascent against other racers, having a back and forth, depending on how runnable it was. Toughest – super hot when climbing, made you think about damage control, not tipping over the line to ensure a strong whole race.


The event was won by an astonishing performance by Chris Richard’s Cumbria – taking 4 mins off the course record and climbing 7 mins faster than most other leading runners. With him and another runner gaining GB selection.

every place matters

First in for Devon _ Sam in 55 mins ,followed by Adam who took three places in last 200 yds, then Ceri, 2 places later Simon and a few more then Jamie. A really tight team performance resulting in Devon gaining 9th overall place. Even beating Lancashire, Cheshire and all Scotland team, in the 21 team competition.

Post river dip – happy team

Overall brilliant team performance by some great runners and we now have a few ‘up north’ team managers rattled! Next year we will try to make sure we have ladies team too.

Thanks for reading – ‘see you on the hills’ -Richard Best -Team manager