A small but superb field of runners took part on April 3rd late afternoon race at Peter Tavy.

Ten juniors competed across three distances. Superb running from Stanley Wood who took a big lead and was well ahead before taking a wrong turn on the descent adding a big chunk of distance. great character for finishing.
Senior Race
18 runners from a wide range of clubs made this a very competitive race. The course has an unrelenting start with 260m gain in first 2.5k but a very fast last 4k.

Front 2 had a tight race with Sam leading until the last descent where the pace and experience of Ceri just edged it. Thanks to Jennifer West for pictures more are available at https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10222965341623943&set=pcb.7205382272870355 . lots of great comments about the course and really nice for the sun to come out at the end.
thank to marshals and runners. well done all.
See you on the hills… Richard